Very nice news for all biped-type people: Our friends at City Hall want to know what you think they should do to improve pedestrian and cycling conditions in Greensboro. They’ve created an online survey in which you can help them prioritize improvements and figure out what recommendations they should make.
The details:
“The City is updating the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan (BiPed). The BiPed Plan prioritizes and guides the City’s work to improve bicycling and pedestrian conditions. This includes facility designs and recommended locations, safety education activities, policy updates, encouragement activities, and more. The plan will look ahead 20 years and be the guiding document for what issues to work on first.”
They were nice enough to ask — which they don’t always do, right? — so let’s encourage this kind of openness and fill out the survey. We have a wonderfully walkable and bikeable neighborhood (except for the hills), so who better than us to give them some good ideas? Once again, here’s the link to click on for the survey and more on the BiPed Plan.