About CHNA

Lattice work frames the view

View from the front door of 808 Walker Avenue

The neighborhood association was incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in July 1978 as the College Hill Residents Association. In December that year, the name was changed to the College Hill Neighborhood Association.

Membership is open to all neighborhood residents and to all owners of property in the neighborhood.

The purposes of the association are:

  1. To increase public awareness of and resident participation in the conservation of the housing resources of the neighborhood and to encourage property owners to make improvements to their property voluntarily and/or through housing code enforcement efforts.
  2. To preserve and enhance the residential character of the neighborhood.
  3. To educate the residents of the area and the community at large in the financial, social and aesthetic techniques and benefits of housing rehabilitation and to re-establish the neighborhood as a housing resource for the downtown area of Greensboro, NC.
  4. To act as a liaison between the residents and property owners of the neighborhood and institutions, industries, and business establishments bordering or affecting the residential character of the area.
  5. To create a citizen structure to work with the city police department in order to promote continuing improvements in the public safety of the area.
  6. To assist residents in obtaining maximum benefits from area redevelopment plans and in making necessary transitions, such as relocation.
  7. To accomplish increased owner-occupancy and housing rehabilitation for the area by obtaining and assisting design, site, and financial planning for owner-occupants and landlords, providing liaison between absentee owners and prospective home buyers, and continuing planning liaison with the city.
  8. To develop and advocate neighborhood concern for good design and complimentary site planning with apartment developers and individuals undertaking new construction.
  9. To prepare promotional, educational, and research materials on rehabilitation efforts in the neighborhood, on public and private policies affecting the neighborhood, and on neighborhood characteristics.
  10. To improve public works and services in the area, and to specifically work toward the establishment of a pedestrian circulation system, improved alley-way system, and private and public landscaping efforts.
  11. To establish and maintain a concern for the quality of housing available to tenants in the area.
  12. To sponsor neighborhood meetings, cultural and civic events, and presentations which will improve the quality of life, educate the residents or future other goals of the Association.

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