College Hill residents are a diverse group, and the business owners and independent professionals in the neighborhood are quite a varied group in their own right. Here’s a list of neighbors who operate their own businesses. Buying local is always a good idea. Buying hyper-local from our own neighbors is even better.
Who’s missing? This list is a starting point, no doubt incomplete. If you’re a business owner or independent professional who isn’t included yet — or if you know of one — please tell us!
Black Magnolia Southern Patisserie
Veneé Pawlowski
Jeff McCarthy
DLM Builders
David Millsaps
Gate City Preservation
Samantha Smith
Miriam Herin, novelist (Amazon)
Kim Burroughs
La Bella Skin by Katrina
Katrina Guilford-Hayes
Linkfish Media
Julie Joyce and Jay Thomas
Martin Meliton Piano Duo (YouTube)
Elena Martin and Jose Meliton
Ian McDowell, journalist and author (Amazon)
Music Across the Water
Dan and Samantha Smith
Arlen Nicolls, Realtor, Triad Omni Properties
Oden Brewing
Jan Oden
Illustration and Surface design
Win-Win Remodeling
Eric Crouse