Update on the College Hill Neighborhood Plan: Revisions available for review

From Jeff Sovich of the Greensboro Planning Department:

This is just a quick note to thank all of you who took the time last Friday, to stop by (at either Tate St Coffee, Taste Yogurt Bar, or Slices Pizza) and share your comments, concerns, opinions, and preferences!

If you haven’t already had an opportunity to review the current draft of the College Hill Neighborhood Plan, you can find it on the project website at:

Text shown in red indicates that it has been changed since the version that was presented in July. The future land use map has also been revised.

But rest assured that this is not the final version of the Plan, nor has the planning process reached the final steps of Public Hearing and Adoption. Planning Department Staff will continue working to find ways to incorporate as many of your concerns as possible into the next draft of the Plan, which will also be made available on the project website.

At this time, the Plan has not been scheduled for a Public Hearing before the Planning Board. It is not yet known when such a hearing would occur, but the Planning Board’s October 15th meeting is the earliest date possible (however, the agenda for that meeting has not yet been assembled). In short, there is still plenty of time to participate in the planning process and help make the College Hill Neighborhood Plan the best it can be, for the benefit of all concerned.

You can stay informed about what’s happening in the planning process and comment further by visiting the project website:

Or by downloading the app on your smartphone at http://collegehillneighborhoodplan.com/app/ or by pointing your smartphone at:


Or by contacting me at the phone number or email address shown below.

Please feel free to share this message with others in College Hill who may find it of interest.

Thank you,

Jeff Sovich, AICP
Neighborhood Planning Coordinator
Planning Department
City of Greensboro
300 West Washington Street
P.O. Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136
Phone: 336-433-7264 Fax: 336-412-6315
Click for email

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