News from Hannah Cockburn, City of Greensboro Director of Transportation:
Thank you for the opportunity to engage with the neighborhood and property owners directly impacted by the Spring Garden resurfacing project as we evaluated extending bike lanes in the corridor.
We received a significant amount of feedback from the pop-up event that informed our final decision to install the bike lanes in both directions between Tate Street and Fulton Street. On the balance, survey responses supported this installation. The extension of bike lanes in this location also supports the city’s goals of making Greensboro car optional and the recommendations of the adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan.
We recognize there are trade-offs and negative impacts associated with this change. In an effort to address the impacts and concerns raised, GDOT is:
- Reviewing opportunities to add additional on-street parking spaces on intersecting streets in the vicinity of Spring Garden Street,
- Signing the lane in front of College Place UMC for parking use during religious services,
- Adjusting bus stops to minimize on-street parking impacts along this stretch of Spring Garden Street,
- Launching an education campaign to support broader understanding of bike lanes, and
- Providing consistent, ongoing parking enforcement in the corridor.
The resurfacing contractor is currently adjusting utility access points in the corridor. We expect the milling process to occur by early June and the resurfacing project to be complete by the end of July, depending on the weather cooperating. The contractor will place door hangers on properties directly impacted a day or two ahead of the milling and paving activities.
Please let me know if there are additional concerns and we will continue to provide updates. Thank you!