7% of College Hill voters had nothing better to do on Tuesday than go out and vote, particularly for Outling and Vaughan

Voters in College Hill joined the rest of the tiny turnout of Greensboro voters in re-electing Mayor Nancy Vaughan and the entire City Council on Tuesday. All of the incumbents on Precinct G44’s ballot except Mike Barber ran even better in the neighborhood than they did citywide, reflecting their generally progressive nature.

The neighborhood’s voters also supported the successful referendum to increase the mayor and City Council members’ terms to four years from the current two, beginning with the 2017 elections.

Turnout in College Hill was a lackadaisical 7%, even lower than the pathetic 11% turnout in the rest of Greensboro and the county’s other municipalities.

Justin Outling, the newly appointed District 3 council member, won his first full term, drawing 86% of College Hill’s votes, compared to 65% overall. He was named in June to fill out the term of Zack Matheny, who had resigned to become the head of Downtown Greensboro Inc.

Vaughan drew 92% of College Hill’s votes for mayor, compared to 88% overall.

Barber’s support in College Hill was 25% lower than in the city overall. All three of the political newcomers who challenged the at-large members ran more strongly in the neighborhood than they did citywide.

Voting in College Hill’s Precinct G44 yesterday:

  • Turnout
    156 of 2,131 registered voters, 7% (Countywide: 11.4%)
  • Mayor
    Nancy Vaughan, 139 Votes, 92% (citywide: 88%)
    Devin King, 11 votes, 7% (11%)
  • City Council District 3
    Justin Outling, 126 votes, 86% (65%)
    Kurt Collins, 21 votes, 14%  (35%)
  • City Council At-Large
    Yvonne Johnson, 32%, 129 votes (30%)
    Marikay Abuzuaiter, 28% 114 votes (26%)
    Mike Barber, 18%, 74 votes (24%)
    Sylvine Hill, 10%, 40 votes (5%)
    Marc Ridgill, 8%, 31 votes (9%)
    Brian Hoss, 2%, 10 votes (4%)
    Write-in, 2% 7 votes
  • Referendum on four-year terms
    Yes: 54%, 85 votes (58%)
    No: 46%, 71 votes (42%)
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