Congratulations to neighbor Miriam Herin. Her second novel, A Stone for Bread, heads the March “Indie Books of the Month” list in Kirkus Reviews. The bimonthly magazine reviews several thousand books a year and is widely read among booksellers and librarians. “Only an extreme select few books get selected by their editors for a featured review, and even fewer (literary greats) actually get a star,” author Michel Sauret wrote. Right — featured review and star. See example above. A Stone for Bread is available from Amazon and such fine local bookstores as Scuppernong Books on South Elm Street, an easy walk from College Hill.
Our website is a resource for College Hill residents and anyone interested in our neighborhood and historic district. The blog on our home page or our welcome page are places to start.
Neighborhood Guide
Garbage and yard waste are collected every Friday. Click here for details.
Next CHNA & HPC Meetings
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Monday January 27
Monday February 24
Monday March 24
Meetings are held at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in the Fellowship Hall and as Zoom teleconferences: Click here to login. - Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday January 29
Wednesday February 26
Wednesday March 26
Meetings are held at 4 p.m. in the Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington Street.
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Note to Realtors and Prospective Home Buyers
Isn't There Anything to Do Around Here?
The Weatherspoon is open. There's music on Tate Street, and we're close to downtown, the Coliseum and most of Greensboro's other arts and entertainment venues. Check the Calendar and Local Events pages for links to major events, major venues, university event calendars and Greensboro's busy local arts scene.
Get in Touch
Dear David,
Thank you for the wonderful and unsought endorsement of the novel. I’m incredibly appreciative not just for myself but for my publisher who has made an investment, as all publishers do, in this book.