Each year many new and returning Spartans are coming from families who are experiencing challenging economic times. This is presenting unique challenges for many of our Spartans that are trying to do well in school, “fit in,” and figure out what their future will look like. … Without support systems in place, these students, many of whom prefer to remain hidden during hard times, are facing these challenges alone while struggling to provide for their own livelihood.
— the UNCG Dean of Students office
We rarely think of undergraduates as poor, hungry or homeless, but there are low-income students who struggle to get by. The Spartan Open Pantry at UNCG helps provide food for these students and some staff members, and it needs support from the community.
Donations can be brought to the Associated Campus Ministries building, adjacent to the Walker Avenue Parking Deck. Monetary contributions can be made with checks written to the Wesley-Luther Campus Ministry, ACM Center, UNC Greensboro, 500 Stirling Street, Greensboro NC, 27403.
The pantry’s current specific needs include:
- Dry pastas
- Canned pasta sauce (no glass, please)
- Canned meat
- Canned fruits
- Rice
- Hot cereals such as oatmeal and granola
- Any feminine hygiene products
- Soaps
- Shampoos
Two items the pantry has plenty of right now are canned beans and corn.
The pantry is run by Wesley-Luther. It’s located at College Place United Methodist Church at Tate and Spring Garden streets. It’s part of a program called Partners Assisting the Homeless & Hungry Spartan, operated by the UNCG Dean of Students Office.