Charlie Clark-Trippodo
Charlie’s Angels is hosting their 2nd Annual Fall Festival on Sunday October 6, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Double Oaks Bed & Breakfast, 204 N. Mendenhall Street. The event is a fund-raiser benefiting Charleston “Charlie” Trippodo and Rett Syndrome Research. Charlie is the daughter of long-time College Hill resident Josie Clark-Trippodo.
The night will include live music, a silent auction and food.
Tickets are available online for $20 (tax deductible); you can send an email to Josie to arrange to pay with cash or by check. Tickets also will be available at the door for $25.
Funds raised will help towards the increasing expenses required to manage Charlie’s daily medical and therapy needs, and modifications to her living space. Costly renovations are needed for Charlie to have a safe and comfortable home.
Rett syndrome is a genetic brain disorder that typically becomes apparent at 6 to 18 months of age in girls. Symptoms include problems with language, coordination and repetitive movements. It often results in slower growth and problems walking. Complications can include seizures, scoliosis and sleeping problems.