A message from Mike Cowhig, Planning Dept., City of Greensboro, regarding the upcoming tree trimming by Duke Energy:
Yesterday (March 5) I walked the route where Duke will be trimming along their circuits over UNCG’s spring break, March 10 through March 14 with the new City Forester and Duke Energy’s vegetation management staff. These streets are Rankin, Tate, Carr, Mendenhall, Edgar, and McGee. They identified a number of trees that need to be removed; they are marked with a lime green ribbon. (There is still a question about a large tree at the intersection of Market and Tate on the Reynolds Center property.) The new City Forester, Judson Clinton, inspected each tree. Most are smaller volunteers that are the result of neglected landscape maintenance. Some are diseased or dead and some are just in the wrong place and will continually be a problem. A good example is a tree at 303 S. Tate that is not only growing into the power line but is damaging a very nice low granite wall.
Duke Energy will be pruning according to industry standards, but they must meet clearance requirements so some trees will be affected significantly, in particular, a Magnolia tree in the 100 block of Mendenhall and large trees at the intersections of McGee and Mendenhall streets and at Market and Mendenhall streets.
Duke held an informational meeting for this trimming in November 2013, and they have placed door hangers last week. Property owners with questions can call Jason Combs, Duke Energy’s Vegetation Management Specialist at 312-0265. Jason will be glad to come out and talk to you about your particular situation.
Mike Cowhig
Planning Department
City of Greensboro
Phone: 336-373-2755