A message from James Keith, president of the College Hill Neighborhood Association:
Hello neighbors,
The time has come for neighborhood association board elections. The board is composed of seven members and four executive positions of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. We have been enjoying strong, forward-moving work between the association and the city over these past few years, and we want to keep that momentum going strong to start looking at larger, capital-scale improvements throughout the district. I would ask that anyone interested in serving on the board be willing to make every effort to be present at the meetings as well as be dedicated to helping, in whatever way they may be able, to pursue long-lasting improvements in our district.
If you or someone you know is interested in being a board member, please email me (click here for email) and express your interest or nominate someone else and they will have a chance to be recognized at our next meeting as an interested person for this next year’s board, and a vote will be taken.
Please be sure to be present at next month’s meeting, Monday February 22, 7 p.m., at the Church of the Covenant.
Even if you are not a board member, our meetings are for ALL residents of this special neighborhood. We are a unique, densely and diversely populated neighborhood that has a lot of room for growth but we need a strong community voice to communicate our concerns, needs, and desires to City Staff and City Council. We hope to see as many of you as possible over the course of this next year of improvements in College Hill.