Our website is a resource for College Hill residents and anyone interested in our neighborhood and historic district. The blog on our home page or our welcome page are places to start.
Neighborhood Guide
Garbage and yard waste are collected every Friday. Click here for details.
Next CHNA & HPC Meetings
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Monday March 24
Monday April 28
Monday May 26
Monday June 23
Effective March 2025, meetings are held at Greensboro College in the President's Hall, Main Building, and as Zoom teleconferences: Click here to login. - Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday March 26
Wednesday April 30
Wednesday May 28
Wednesday June 25
Meetings are held at 4 p.m. in the Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington Street.
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Note to Realtors and Prospective Home Buyers
Isn't There Anything to Do Around Here?
The Weatherspoon is open. There's music on Tate Street, and we're close to downtown, the Coliseum and most of Greensboro's other arts and entertainment venues. Check the Calendar and Local Events pages for links to major events, major venues, university event calendars and Greensboro's busy local arts scene.
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Category Archives: College Hill Neighborhood Association
New location for neighborhood association meetings: Greensboro College
Starting this month, meetings of the College Hill Neighborhood Association will be held at Greensboro College in the President’s Hall in the Main Building. The location is expected to have better facilities for conducting hybrid in-person/Zoom meetings. For decades, the … Continue reading
The brand-new College Hill flag is now available
College Hill’s new flags are flying from front porches around the neighborhood. They’re available for purchase at $19. The flags are very substantial and two-sided. The smaller yard flags are $15 (the price includes the stand). To buy one (or … Continue reading
Rosemarie DiGiorgio named CHNA interim president
Samantha Stewart has stepped down as president of the College Hill Neighborhood Association, and Rosemarie DiGiorgio has been elected to succeed her as interim president. Samantha cited her commitments with her new child and a new job. “It has been … Continue reading
City cites College Hill’s new street signs in quarterly report
From the City of Greensboro’s quarterly progress report on the GSO2040 Comprehensive Plan:
This month at the HPC: A COA application for new fencing, a retaining wall and more at 301 N. Mendenhall Street
Update: The application was continued until the July meeting to get more detailed information. The Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing this month on one request for a certificate of appropriateness in College Hill. The meeting will be … Continue reading
Long-awaited College Hill street signage project to begin
News release from the City of Greensboro: Post Date:05/31/2023 11:32 AM “Refurbished decorative street name signs and sign posts will soon grace the historic College Hill neighborhood. A City contractor will be removing signs at about 30 intersections throughout College … Continue reading
Arlen Nicolls named to Historic Preservation Commission
Arlen Nicolls has been named the College Hill representative on the city’s Historic Preservation Commission. She is a Realtor and has lived in College Hill since 2008. Arlen has long been active in the College Hill Neighborhood Association, having served … Continue reading
Homeowners and absentee landlords: Here’s how property ownership in College Hill stands today
The January neighborhood association meeting on Monday will include a discussion of how to better engage College Hill’s many landlords in maintaining and improving the neighborhood. It’s a challenge that has been addressed with little success and varying degrees of … Continue reading
Holiday wreaths go up on College Hill lampposts
Neighborhood volunteers have created holiday wreaths and put them up on lampposts up and down South Mendenhall Street. The wreaths were made possible in part by a generous donation of tree trimmings from the Delancy Street Holiday Tree lot. Lyddan … Continue reading
For newcomers and those who’ve forgotten: All College Hill residents are eligible for credit-union membership
All College Hill residents are eligible for membership in the Greensboro Municipal Federal Credit Union. This eligibility is extended to members of all neighborhood associations that belong to the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress. All College Hill residents are members of the … Continue reading