Do you recognize this wandering black dog? He seems lost

Small black stray dog, with a bigger yellow lab Small black stray dogA stray dog was roaming around Carr Street this morning. One of my dogs and I corralled him in our back yard. He’s a relatively small black dog with a white patch on his chest, not neutered. He looks pretty young, perhaps not full-grown. He may have been lost for a while. He appears to have a skin problem — he’s lost the hair on one ear and part of his back. Also looks underweight, though not severely. If he’s yours or if you know where he belongs, please email or call me, 456-1957. Thanks.

UPDATE: Charlie has been reunited with his owner. He lives on Morehead Street. Jason Paul of Walker Avenue got me in touch with the little guy’s owner. For future reference, if you see Charlie out loose — this isn’t the first time he’s taken off — Jason or I can give you the owner’s address and phone number.

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