College Hill notes: Two more properties under contract

Street view of 626 Joyner St.

626 Joyner Street is under contract after being for sale about four months

The old Addams bookstore location on Tate Street is apparently under contract. The “For Sale” sign is gone and surveyors’ flags have sprouted around the property. The listed price was $650,000; the one-time Victory Theatre has been up for sale since April 2015. … 626 Joyner Street is now under contract. The house was put on the market in March; listed price was $170,000. … There are now four houses under contract in College Hill. Six single-family homes are for sale. …

Good neighbor Turner Pinson of Walker Avenue helped West Virginians displaced by the terrible flooding by collecting enough food to just about fill a car. The food will be delivered this week. Thanks to the many neighbors who contributed. …

Historic Preservation Commission note: The matter of Winburn Court‘s long out-of-compliance dumpster on Edgar Street is expected to be on the August agenda for a public hearing. That meeting will be Wednesday August 31. …

Neighborhood Watch news

Be advised: Greensboro and UNCG police are zealously enforcing marijuana laws. There have been three arrests in College Hill on marijuana charges in the past month. There were at least 35 marijuana arrests on campus last semester. …

Greensboro police are warning players of the Pokemon Go game to stay aware of where they are and who is around them while outdoors playing the game. They remind players to play during the daytime or in well-lit areas, to avoid areas they don’t know and to play with others and not alone. …

This entry was posted in Businesses, City Government, Neighborhood Watch, Neighbors, Public Safety, Real Estate, Tate Street, UNCG, Walker Avenue and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to College Hill notes: Two more properties under contract

  1. Kate Baird says:

    I’ve been informed that PCoC (Covenant) is a Pokemon Go charging station…..for what it’s worth! 🙂

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