A few things worth knowing about Jackson Library and the Harold Schiffman Music Library at UNCG (collectively known as the UNCG Libraries): They’re fabulous libraries, you can easily gain borrowing privileges and their big annual event is coming up in March.
Borrowing books
You can check out books and make on-campus use of ejournals and databases to which the libraries subscribe by joining the Friends of the UNCG Libraries. Memberships start at $25/year.
Politics, Media & Information: An Evening with Ray Suarez
Journalist and author Ray Suarez will be the speaker for the UNCG Friends of the Libraries annual dinner, Wednesday March 29 [note: date corrected 2/10/16], 6 p.m. in the Elliot University Center’s Cone Ballroom. Suarez is the author of Latino Americans: The 500-Year Legacy that Shaped a Nation; The Holy Vote: The Politics of Faith in America; and The Old Neighborhood: What We Lost in the Great Suburban Migration.
You may remember him as a correspondent for “PBS NewsHour” (1999-2013) and host of NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” (1993-99).
Tickets are $60 for members and $70 for nonmembers. Advance purchase is required; tickets are available through the Triad Stage box office.
About the libraries
The University Libraries hold 1.2 million books, federal and state documents, and other print material; provide access to over 65,000 ejournals and nearly 650,000 ebooks; and have almost 200,000 streaming films and audio files.
Jackson Library is a national Literary Landmark, the only one in North Carolina.
Bonus fact of interest to College Hill
Until Jackson Library was built in 1950, Walker Avenue ran straight through the campus. College Avenue had a pedestrian overpass above the street (you can look it up).