First College Hill home to go up for sale this year: 508 South Cedar Street, $235,000
An early sign of spring: The UNCG baseball team plays its first home game of the season Friday February 24, 4 p.m., vs. Michigan State. The three-game weekend series kicks off 22 straight home games through March 28 (one game will be played at NewBridge Bank Ballpark against A&T). … The Taco Tuesday bike ride is on hiatus until spring, or at least spring-like weather. …
On Tuesday February 14, the monthly Noon at the ‘Spoon event will feature a tour of the current exhibition “Lucinda Devlin: Sightlines.” That’s at the Weatherspoon, noon to 12:20 p.m. …
If you ever find yourself wondering about any particular point of local law in Greensboro, go to https://www.municode.com/library/nc/greensboro/codes/code_of_ordinances. You can learn all kinds of things, like it’s illegal to put upholstered indoor furniture on an open porch (Section 17-1(a)(11)) and it’s illegal to leave garbage cans in front yards (Section 25(d)(1)). …
Remember: The College Hill Neighborhood Association will hold its annual election of officers and board members on Monday February 20, 7 p.m., at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Fellowship Hall, 501 South Mendenhall Street. If you’re interested in serving, send us an email or respond in the comments section below. Or come to the meeting and tell us then.
Neighborhood Watch notes
Overall, it’s been very quiet lately in the neighborhood as far as crimes are concerned, even at The Province. … St. Mary’s House, the Episcopal campus ministry at 930 Walker Avenue, has been broken into twice, on January 25 and February 1. Some sorry lowlife stole a desktop computer, a microwave and a popcorn maker. …
At The Province, the only crime reported since January 1 was a report of gunshots Saturday at 2:15 p.m. The police report says a car was damaged but provides essentially no other relevant information. … The only other crimes reported in the neighborhood since January 1 were four DUI arrests. Watch it out there.