The People’s Perk has a deadline on Kickstarter this Thursday for a mural to honor ‘Wonderful Women and Fabulous Femmes’

Karen and a wall with many small drawings of women

Co-owner Karen Archia at The People’s Perk

Our good neighbors at The People’s Perk have set a deadline of Thursday morning to reach their goal of raising $1,600 to create a mural titled, “Wonderful Women and Fabulous Femmes.” They’re about halfway to their goal as of midday today.

From their Kickstarter page:

“Too often, important people — particularly women, trans women, and women/trans women of color — who’ve fought for social justice, equality and unity, are forgotten in mainstream historical accounts.

“In celebration of Women’s History Month, The People’s Perk, a locally-owned, neighborhood coffee/retail shop in Greensboro, NC, which encourages creative expression in all people, is partnering with the Greensboro Mural Project (GSO Mural Project), a Greensboro-based grassroots, arts-centered  organization, to create a special mural entitled ‘Wonderful Women and Fabulous Femmes.'”

The mural will be painted on a wall in the shop that has been used for exhibits from local artists.

Click here to contribute and see more about the project.

Click here to see the list of 12 finalists to be included in the mural.

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