College Hill news of the week in photos: Tate Street gets digital message board; sewer work getting under way on Springdale?

UNCG digital message board on Tate Street

The chain link fence is still up for some reason.

UNCG lights up its digital sign

The university has spent weeks building a large brick structure with two digital screens in front of Taylor Theatre on Tate Street. It was turned on yesterday, and like a similar sign at Market and McIver streets, it will promote university events and distinctions.

Sprindale Court closed to traffic on Tuesday

A city crew blocks of Springdale Court on Tuesday to dig a hole.

City truck with a line of some sort extending down into a manhole

On Wednesday, the work appeared to move under the street.

Is the sewer rehabilitation finally beginning?

On Tuesday, city workers dug a big hole on Springdale Court. Today, the work appeared to continue via a manhole. Perhaps the big sewer rehabilitation project announced in December (“work will begin in approximately 48 hours”) is getting under way. Or, of course, it could be something else entirely. There was no one around to answer questions. It seemed inappropriate to yell down and ask. Working in a sewer line, sanitary or otherwise, is probably tough enough without some random guy hollering, “Hey, what’re you doing down there?”

This entry was posted in City Government, Springdale Court, Tate Street, UNCG. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to College Hill news of the week in photos: Tate Street gets digital message board; sewer work getting under way on Springdale?

  1. terry weaver says:

    There were chalk marks on street near Spring GArden on MOnday; then yesterday, they blocked the street and were real ugly about letting people through. I got through the first time and then after work, I tried again and knocked down one of those cones. They were not happy; and made me backout onto Spring Garden St. and enter at the one way entrance from Walker.

    about five minutes later,they packed up and left. Don;t know what they were doing.
    I do wish they would give advance notice;we need the work done (if that is what they were doing). weneed facts, man, not alternative ones!

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