Lewis Pitts, longtime social justice advocate, lawyer and College Hill neighbor, is the subject of a new biography, The Life of a Movement Lawyer: Lewis Pitts and the Struggle for Democracy, Equality, and Justice. It is available at Scuppernong Books, Amazon and other retailers.
Lewis will speak at Scuppernong Books on Friday March 21, 6 p.m.
The book is published by the University of South Carolina Press.
“Born in 1947 and raised in rural South Carolina, Lewis Pitts grew up oblivious to the civil rights revolution underway across the country. A directionless white college student in 1968, Pitts committed to military service and was destined for Vietnam. Five years later―after a formative period in which he underwent an intellectual and moral awakening, was discharged as a conscientious objector, and graduated from law school―he embarked on an unlikely forty-year career as a crusading social justice attorney.”
The book was written by Jason Langberg, an education justice and civil rights lawyer. He formerly worked for Legal Aid of North Carolina and the Legal Aid Justice Center in Virginia. He lives in Colorado.