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Neighborhood Guide
Garbage and yard waste are collected every Friday. Click here for details.
Next CHNA & HPC Meetings
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Monday March 24
Monday April 28
Monday May 26
Monday June 23
Effective March 2025, meetings are held at Greensboro College in the President's Hall, Main Building, and as Zoom teleconferences: Click here to login. - Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday March 26
Wednesday April 30
Wednesday May 28
Wednesday June 25
Meetings are held at 4 p.m. in the Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington Street.
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Note to Realtors and Prospective Home Buyers
Isn't There Anything to Do Around Here?
The Weatherspoon is open. There's music on Tate Street, and we're close to downtown, the Coliseum and most of Greensboro's other arts and entertainment venues. Check the Calendar and Local Events pages for links to major events, major venues, university event calendars and Greensboro's busy local arts scene.
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Category Archives: Rankin Place
College Hill neighbor Lewis Pitts is the subject of a new biography
Lewis Pitts, longtime social justice advocate, lawyer and College Hill neighbor, is the subject of a new biography, The Life of a Movement Lawyer: Lewis Pitts and the Struggle for Democracy, Equality, and Justice. It is available at Scuppernong Books, … Continue reading
CHill in College Hill on Wednesday evenings this summer
Posted in Carr Street, Neighbors, Rankin Place, Tate Street, Walker Avenue
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Airbnb now shows 8 short-term rental listings in College Hill, including 3 entire houses and a house with 3 apartments
Airbnb has listed short-term rentals in College Hill since at least 2014, but there may be more of them now than ever. This week, 919 Carr Street hosted its first Airbnb guests, bringing the total number of short-term rental units … Continue reading
Posted in Carr Street, McGee Street, Mendenhall Street, Rankin Place, Spring Garden Street, Tate Street, Walker Avenue
Tagged Airbnb
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Spring report from the College Hill Beautification Program; volunteers are needed to help weed and maintain planting beds
Beth Langlois, chair of the beautification program, reports: The neighborhood flower beds weathered the winter and spring very well. The pansies have been removed, and beds have been weeded. Thank you to Lyddan Pawlowski for help weeding the Jackson, Tate … Continue reading
Three side-by-side rental houses on Spring Garden Street have gone up for sale with one remarkably high price — $975,000
It’s hard to know what to make of the offer that appeared in local real-estate listings on June 5, 2020: Three adjoining houses on Spring Garden Street for sale together at $975,000. Continue reading
S. Mendenhall improvements, street paving set for this year; new sidewalk is being considered for lower end of Carr Street
The city plans to begin construction on the next phase the South Mendenhall Street traffic-calming project by the end of the year. It also expects this year to repave five streets that were torn up for water and sewer work … Continue reading
Posted in Carr Street, City Government, College Hill Neighborhood Association, Joyner Street, Market Street, McGee Street, Mendenhall Street, Municipal Service District, Oakland Avenue, Parking, Public Safety, Rankin Place, Spring Garden Street, Tate Street, Traffic
Tagged traffic calming
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What to do about Edgar Street: Issue is on Monday’s agenda for the College Hill Neighborhood Association
The issue of paving Edgar Street has come up periodically over the years. Back in the ’80s, city crews showed up without warning one day with asphalt trucks and road graders in tow, ready to pave the old alley. It’s … Continue reading
College Hill news: Here comes the sun. It seems like years since it’s been here.
It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, but spring has brought a break in the clouds and at least a temporary respite from winter’s (and 2018’s) onslaught of rain. 901 Spring Garden The mid-century commercial building at 901 Spring Garden Street … Continue reading
Dog walkers, please note: Two new dog-bag stations installed
Two new dog-bag stations have been put up in College Hill. They’re at the corner of South Mendenhall Street and Rankin Place, in front of the apartments at 200 S. Mendenhall, and on Jackson Street between Spring Garden Street and … Continue reading
A big tree on Rankin Place gets a big send-off
There was a gigantic red oak tree that towered over Paul and Barbara Phillips’ house at 805 Rankin Place. The house was built in 1910, and the tree probably was there then. By last fall, it was clear that the … Continue reading
Posted in Rankin Place, Trees
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