Local Events

exterior of the corner of WAM at Tate and spring Gaarden streets

UNCG’s Weatherspoon Art Museum holds one of the Southeast’s major collections of contemporary art. And the view of Tate and Spring Garden streets from the second-floor corner is remarkable.*

College Hill is well located to take advantage of Greensboro’s music, art, cinema and theatre scenes. Getting to downtown, the Coliseum and UNCG’s many events is quick and easy. Visit these sites to learn about local events and to sign up to receive updates via email, Twitter and/or Facebook.

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College Hill Venues

Universities and Colleges

Greensboro’s Arts Scene and More


* Photo by Ptncsu12 from WikiMedia Commons, Creative Commons license.

2 Responses to Local Events

  1. David Arneke says:


    Welcome to the neighborhood! Congratulations on buying your house. The Greensboro Historical Museum may be a source for photos of the house (a long shot, perhaps, but worth checking out).


  2. Katrina Guilford says:

    Hello! I will be the new owner at 321 S Tate Street effective 8/31/16 and we are very excited to be a part of College Hill. I have been doing some research on the house and received some information from the city. The house is known as the Seth Taylor house. I am very interesting any any other old photos of the house as well as any history information. The only picture the city had was from 1960’s and records only go back until then.

    Thanks so much!

    Katrina Guilford

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