College Hill Plan on Feb 17 City Council Agenda

On Jan. 21, 2015, the Greensboro Planning Board approved the Revised Draft College Hill Neighborhood Plan (CHNP). The final approval step for the plan will take place at the upcoming Greensboro City Council meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 17. The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. and is held in the Council Chamber of the Melvin Municipal Office Building, 300 W. Washington St., Greensboro.

All College Hill residents are encouraged to attend the meeting to express their support of the plan. A repeat of the strong showing of support for the plan that was demonstrated at the Planning Board meeting will be persuasive to the members of the City Council.

Individuals who wish to briefly address the Council should sign up to speak when they arrive at the Council Chambers prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda will be posted online prior to the meeting.

A notice about this public hearing has been mailed to College Hill residents and to owners of property located in or within 600 feet of College Hill.

A copy of the Revised Draft College Hill Neighborhood Plan are available at:


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