A few things you need to know about College Hill right now … including news of babies, chickens, churches and more …

National Night Out logoA few short items worth knowing about College Hill, delivered via the venerable but vanishing journalistic device known as a three-dot column:

Save the date: National Night Out is Tuesday August 2, and what better place to hold the official College Hill event than College Hill Sundries. … The neighborhood’s population increased by two on March 2, when the twin son and daughter of Marjorie Bagley and Ian Beatty were born. …

Hold these dates, too: The Weatherspoon’s annual Summer Solstice Party will be Friday the 24th and the dual Matisse exhibits (this one and that one) open on the 25th. … The College Hill poultry census: Chickens are roosting in three backyards, one each on Spring Garden Street, Tate Street and Walker Avenue. (Are we missing anyone?) Greensboro poultry farmers are limited to four chickens and no roosters. …

A major thank-you to our neighbors who spent two very long days working at our polling location for this spring’s primaries — Virginia Haskett, Judy Horn, Clara Kelly and Terry Weaver. And Liz Pinson, who facilitated the use of the Associated Campus Ministries building as the polling place at UNCG. … The Board of Elections is seeking representation from the neighborhood’s Republicans for the polls. So far, no one has stepped up. …

Smoothie King logoPresbyterian Church of the Covenant is seeking practicing meditators to facilitate a weekly meditation. Sessions will be held each Tuesday at noon. If you can help out, send an email to Lora Farlow. … Upfitting for the new Smoothie King shop is well under way on Tate Street, next to Wear Yours.  … You got the word about the Spartan Open Pantry needing food donations, right? …

More about food: College Place UMC is holding an ice cream social Friday June 24, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sugar-free options will be available. … The 70-year-old slate roof on the old firehouse at 442 South Mendenhall is way past its expiration date and will be replaced with shingles that simulate slate. It’s one of the historic district’s few remaining slate roofs, but the HPC recognizes that the real thing is now colossally expensive, in many cases impossibly expensive. …

The police say car break-ins are increasing all over Greensboro, and College Hill is no exception. Do what you know you should be doing: Always lock your car (yes, always) and never leave anything valuable where it can be seen. … The neighborhood association board meets next on Monday June 27. Special location: Tate Street Coffee House.

This entry was posted in Businesses, City Government, College Place UMC, Duke Energy, Elections, Events, Historic Preservation, Neighborhood Watch, Neighbors, Parking, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Public Safety, Spartan Open Pantry, Spring Garden Street, Tate Street, UNCG, Walker Avenue, Weatherspoon Art Museum and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to A few things you need to know about College Hill right now … including news of babies, chickens, churches and more …

  1. terry weaver says:

    Thank you David. You really are doing a great job keeping us updated on things we should know about. I appreciate you and your reminders!

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