Our website is a resource for College Hill residents and anyone interested in our neighborhood and historic district. The blog on our home page or our welcome page are places to start.
Neighborhood Guide
Garbage and yard waste are collected every Friday. Click here for details.
Next CHNA & HPC Meetings
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Monday March 24
Monday April 28
Monday May 26
Monday June 23
Effective March 2025, meetings are held at Greensboro College in the President's Hall, Main Building, and as Zoom teleconferences: Click here to login. - Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday March 26
Wednesday April 30
Wednesday May 28
Wednesday June 25
Meetings are held at 4 p.m. in the Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington Street.
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Note to Realtors and Prospective Home Buyers
Isn't There Anything to Do Around Here?
The Weatherspoon is open. There's music on Tate Street, and we're close to downtown, the Coliseum and most of Greensboro's other arts and entertainment venues. Check the Calendar and Local Events pages for links to major events, major venues, university event calendars and Greensboro's busy local arts scene.
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Category Archives: Presbyterian Church of the Covenant
New location for neighborhood association meetings: Greensboro College
Starting this month, meetings of the College Hill Neighborhood Association will be held at Greensboro College in the President’s Hall in the Main Building. The location is expected to have better facilities for conducting hybrid in-person/Zoom meetings. For decades, the … Continue reading
Devastating fire strikes 818 Walker Avenue
A fire broke out around 3 a.m. today at 818 Walker Avenue. The house suffered severe damage. Residents Adrienne Everheart and Jeff Wagner were able to escape uninjured, but at least some of their cats didn’t make it out. “We … Continue reading
Holiday wreaths again brighten College Hill
Neighborhood volunteers have decorated College Hill lampposts and the pergola with lighted holiday wreaths again this year. The group came together at the Church of the Covenant earlier this month to make the wreaths and then put them up. Volunteers … Continue reading
Memorializing the 1887 lynching in College Hill: Soil collection ceremony at Church of the Covenant, September 30
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. ~ Maya Angelou, On the Pulse of Morning An invitation to the College Hill neighborhood: On Saturday, September 30, 2023, the Guilford … Continue reading
Guilford’s only documented lynching occurred in College Hill; you can learn about it via Zoom on Thursday February 23
Guilford County’s only documented lynching occurred in 1887 at a location described vaguely at the time as on or near “Mr. Jackson’s farm.” That farm was located in the general area of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in College … Continue reading
This Saturday, Dec. 11, and Saturday Dec. 18: Holiday food drive at the Church of the Covenant for the Spartan Open Pantry
Again this year, it’s easy to donate food and personal hygiene items for the Spartan Open Pantry. The Presbyterian Church of the Covenant and the College Hill Neighborhood Association are co-sponsoring a drop-off food drive for the pantry on Saturday … Continue reading
You’re invited: After Gateway celebrates its first 20 years, Saturday afternoon, October 2, at the Church of the Covenant
An invitation from our wonderful neighbor After Gateway, located at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant: Join us in celebrating our 20th year by donating $1 for every year After Gateway has served our participants from 2001 to 2021! After … Continue reading
Guilford’s only documented lynching occurred in College Hill; Community Remembrance Project will present information and plans on Wednesday March 18
Update: The meeting has been postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. A new date will be posted here when it is set. The Guilford County Community Remembrance Project will present an informational session next week about their work on the … Continue reading
Posted in Jackson Street, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Walker Avenue
Tagged lynching
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