A new Indian restaurant on Tate Street, next steps on Mendenhall Street and the 2019 Tate Street Festival

view from sidewalk of taaz indian kitchen

It was a sad day in 2016 when decades of Indian food on Tate Street ended. Three long years later, a new Indian restaurant has opened to carry on the tradition of the late, lamented India Palace. Taaz Indian Kitchen opened last week in the former Cottage Inn location (427 Tate if you need an address). The take-out menu (PDF) shows vegetarian and non-vegetarian appetizers, entrees, biryani and specials.

Tate Street Festival

The annual festival will be held on Saturday October 19, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. That’s also the weekend of the UNCG homecoming.

Mendenhall Street traffic project

Now that the four-way stop has been moved and the lane shifts have been established on South Mendenhall Street, the next step in the traffic-calming plan is designing and installing the bump-outs, parklets and such that will give drivers something to navigate around. The goal is to install them next summer. The city Planning Department will work with the neighborhood to design the structures and with the city engineering department to get them installed. The Greensboro transportation department has declined to be involved.

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3 Responses to A new Indian restaurant on Tate Street, next steps on Mendenhall Street and the 2019 Tate Street Festival

  1. David Arneke says:

    Sorry to take your drag strip away from you, but point of the project is slow traffic. The people who live on South Mendenhall Street deserve better than having irresponsible idiots racing up and down their street at 50 or 55 mph day and night.

  2. Kate Baird says:

    Now that it’s been repaved, Mendenhall St. is very negotiable. I don’t relish the thought of any further “improvements”…. don’t make this street harder to navigate for residents, tenants, businesses, commuters, and rescue vehicles.

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