Are you looking for a way to serve your neighborhood? The College Hill Neighborhood Association is seeking College Hill residents who are interesting in serving on the 2014-2015 association board.
Board members provide input into discussions at monthly meetings (which are held within College Hill) and vote on motions including those affecting the expenditure of Municipal Service District funds. The neighborhood association board also votes on whether or not to support Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) applications brought to the Historic Preservation Commission. More information about the CHNA can be found on the association website.
A total of 11 board members will be elected in February 2014. Interested individuals may have their names added to the ballot to serve as president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or board member. If you are interested in serving, please email Judy Horn by Feb. 22 to have your name added to the ballot or to learn more about serving on the board.