The retaining wall at 110 South Mendenhall Street, long a neighborhood embarrassment, has been rebuilt and strengthened. Partial funding came from the College Hill Street Wall Program.
Jazz pianist Antonio Truyols and his trio, Unit Three, will perform a free concert Sunday October 23, at 7 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant. Truyols is former music director at PCOC and UNCG grad student who’s now working in New York and around the world (Best Band award at the Bucharest International Jazz Festival, for example). …
UNCG has closed on its purchase of the Tate Street office building most recently used as a leasing office for The Grove apartment complex. It’s next to the former Addams bookstore, which UNCG also bought recently. The university now owns three properties on Tate Street, including the former bank office at Tate and Spring Garden streets. …
Also on Tate Street, Slices closed for a couple days last week for a quick renovation. Further up the block, the upfit of the former Thai Garden for a cookie shop and new pizza place appears to have been at a standstill for the past couple months. The space has been gutted, but almost nothing else appears to have been done for weeks. …
Beginning with the city’s next fiscal year, starting in July 2017, you can expect to pay a fee for certificates of appropriateness. A survey of other cities around the state showed only Greensboro and Winston-Salem still give them away free. The city manager’s office wants the costs to be borne by property owners in the historic districts, whose investments have raised the value of properties — and the city’s tax revenues — immensely. …
Duke Energy will hold a meeting about its upcoming tree trimming work in College Hill and Westerwood on Tuesday, November 15, 6 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Café of First Baptist Church, 1000 W. Friendly Avenue. The Café is in the Activity Center adjacent to the main building. …
Rain from Hurricane Matthew caused drainage problems for a homeowner in the 200 block of Tate Street, whose property backs up to Edgar Street. The city refused to do anything about it, claiming Edgar isn’t a city street. That’s odd, since city workers did a very nice job of fixing potholes there last month. …
If you’re giving out candy on Halloween, please go to the Treat Map on nextdoor.com and put yourself on the list so trick-or-treaters will know to stop by. … UNCG has issued its annual Clery Act report on campus crime, as required by federal law. The 54-page report is mostly boilerplate about policies, procedures, blah blah blah. Skip to Page 40 for the actual statistics, which, frankly, are a bunch of raw numbers that don’t tell you much. …
The former warehouse on Spring Garden at the Greenway is taking shape as a restaurant complex. Click here to see what it looks like so far, courtesy of The Business Journal. It’s called Morehead Foundry and is expected to open in the next month…