A contractor for Norfolk Southern is removing the railroad tracks from Spring Garden Street to West Market. The work is in preparation for construction of the western section of the Downtown Greenway. The greenway will follow the boundary of the neighborhood alongside the Greensboro College campus.
Design is complete for the section, which will use the railbed from Spring Garden to Smith Street, and for the portion of the Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway from Smith Street to Benjamin Parkway. Dabney Sanders, Action Greensboro’s project manager for the greenway, expects to seek bids for construction in August with a start date late this year or early 2021.
Karen Day, my wife, and I have been walking the Greenway for the past 6 weeks, it is between 3.5 and 4 miles depending how you handle the rough patches; trails along the water, the Murrow construction but we have enjoyed it and she walks it twice a week. What is needed? adopt a trail…so much trash along the creek banks and occasional rest rooms or porta potties.We lived on Southside Square and now live on North Park in Fisher Park and see our neighborhood as all the property inside the greenway. McCabe Coolidge
Great to see this. We walked it the other day and, while it is still really rough, it’s easy to imagine how great this is going to be once completed.