Good dog Charlotte at the new dog-bag station at Spring Garden and Jackson streets. (Photo by Wes Gilbert)
Two new dog-bag stations have been put up in College Hill. They’re at the corner of South Mendenhall Street and Rankin Place, in front of the apartments at 200 S. Mendenhall, and on Jackson Street between Spring Garden Street and Morehead Avenue in front of 406 Jackson Street. Neighborhood pedestrians and dog walkers can thank neighbors Wes Gilbert, Clara Kelly and Lyddan Pawlowski for installing the new stations.
The two new locations bring the total to four in College Hill. The others are at Springdale Park, on Spring Garden Street near Springdale Court, and on the pergola at the corner of South Mendenhall and Walker Avenue.
The College Hill Neighborhood Association cordially invites all of the neighborhood’s dog walkers to make the fullest use possible of these facilities.