College Hill news: Here comes the sun. It seems like years since it’s been here.

commercial building on Spring Garden Street at Mendenhall with its classic neighboring house

901 Spring Garden Street, new home of VanderVeen Photographers

It’s been a long, cold, lonely winter, but spring has brought a break in the clouds and at least a temporary respite from winter’s (and 2018’s) onslaught of rain.

901 Spring Garden

The mid-century commercial building at 901 Spring Garden Street has been sold. UNCG had been renting the place, once the Clothesline store, from Mary Garvey. She now has sold it to Rebecka and Bert VanderVeen. They’ll use it as a studio for their business, VanderVeen Photographers.

Street repaving

For those who missed the discussion on Nextdoor, the city plans to repave South Mendenhall Street this year but no other College Hill streets. The neighborhood was told last year, when the city dug up the neighborhood’s streets (twice), that they would be repaved after the water and sewer work was done. For anyone who thought they meant this year, we now know they actually meant the streets will be repaved someday after the water and sewer work, which ended six months ago, too late to make the city’s repaving schedule for 2019.

The city says there’s a chance that Rankin, Carr, Tate and Joyner could be repaved next year, with McGee and Walker maybe in 2021 and the rest in the fullness of time.

Neighborhood Association

The College Hill Neighborhood Association is about to renovate the landscaping at the 14 street-corner planting areas around the neighborhood. If you’re interested in volunteering to help, please let us know. For more information, see this post on Nextdoor. … The neighborhood association also is working with the city to replace College Hill’s decrepit trash bins. The city has randomly removed, without replacing, some that had been hit by cars or had tops that were jammed half-open because of poor design. Most that remain also have been hit by cars or have tops that are jammed half-open because of poor design. We’re likely to get replacements like the new ones in the Tate Street business district.

Edgar Street paving

The April 22 neighborhood association meeting will include a discussion with city officials about the possible paving of Edgar Street. More information on that will be posted before the meeting.

This entry was posted in Businesses, Carr Street, City Government, College Hill Neighborhood Association, Edgar Street, Joyner Street, Mendenhall Street, Rankin Place, Spring Garden Street, Tate Street, UNCG, Walker Avenue and tagged . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to College Hill news: Here comes the sun. It seems like years since it’s been here.

  1. Janet Frommann says:

    wait…no new water lines for McGee St.?

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