For sale: 10 Springdale Court, a 1920s bungalow, $220,000

10 Springdale Court, Greensboro
The Paul and Jessie Stratton House

  • $220,000
  • 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1,073 square feet, 0.17 acre
  • Price/square foot: $205
  • Built in 1927 (per county records, but probably earlier; see note)
  • To be listed February 18, 2022
  • Last sale: $135,500, April 2013
  • Neighborhood: College Hill Historic District
  • Note: The listing says the house is a Sears kit cottage. It might be this one, the Argyle.
    • Paul B. and Jessie Stratton bought the property in 1920. The address was first listed in the city directory in 1922. Paul was a salesman.
    • The Strattons sold the house in October 1927, the first of four sales of the property in 16 months. Interestingly for the era, the last three were all to individual women, none of whom listed husbands on the deeds.
    • Edith Willingham Womble (1890-1980) bought the house in March 1929 and owned it for 15 years. She lived in Winston-Salem and used the house as a rental property. She was married to Bunyan Snipes Womble (1882-1976), an early partner in what is now Womble Bond Dickinson, a Winston-Salem law firm with offices in 19 U.S. cities and seven cities in England and Scotland.
    • From 1950 to 1971, the house was owned by Mary A. Tennent (1890-1971), assistant registrar of the Women’s College.
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In memoriam: Larry Horn, former College Hill neighbor

Larry HornThe College Hill Neighborhood Association extends its condolences to the family of our former neighbor Larry Horn, who died Sunday at Wesley Long Hospital. He was 70 years old. Larry and his wife, Judy, owned and operated the Troy-Bumpas Inn Bed and Breakfast on South Mendenhall Street from 2011 to 2016. They were friends of many College Hill residents and were active and engaged members of the neighborhood.

Larry was born in Brainerd, Minnesota, and grew up in Chicago. He received a B.S. degree in biology at Northwestern University in Evanston. Larry worked in environmental testing and remediation services in Chicago. He also drove teams of draft horses on hay rides and sleigh rides at the Danada Equestrian Center in Wheaton, Illinois, initially as a volunteer and later as an employee.

In recent years, Larry and Judy lived in the Lake Daniel neighborhood. Larry volunteered at Guilford Courthouse Military Park and the Steven Tanger Center for Performing Arts. He performed in plays with the Community Theatre of Greensboro and other local groups and was a member of the Greensboro Tarheel Chorus, a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

He also put his acting skills to use as a “standardized patient” for simulation-based learning at the UNCG School of Nursing and at Elon University and High Point University. “Larry Horn was a great actor for the UNC Greensboro School of Nursing,” the school posted on its Facebook page. “He genuinely cared about helping students while playing a patient during various simulations over the years. … The School of Nursing will miss him and is forever grateful for him sharing his talents with us.”

Celebrations of Larry’s life will be held in Greensboro and the Chicago area in the spring. Click here for a full obituary.

Larry Horn with two nurses at UNCG

Larry Horn as a volunteer “standardized patient” with nurses at the UNCG School of Nursing

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Sign up now for updates on Downtown Greenway construction along Greensboro College, which will begin in 2022

Downtown Greenway map

The final section of the Greenway will be built on the railbed starting at Spring Garden Street, along Greensboro College, and across Market and Friendly to Smith Street. Click on the map to see it bigger.

News from Action Greensboro about the Downtown Greenway:

“Exciting news. Construction on the final western mile, recently named Western Branch, of the Downtown Greenway will begin in 2022. As you know, part of this section runs through the College Hill neighborhood.

“If you are interested and want to be included in construction updates from the Downtown Greenway Project Manager, Dabney Sanders, please click here to email her. She will add you to the list.”

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This Saturday, Dec. 11, and Saturday Dec. 18: Holiday food drive at the Church of the Covenant for the Spartan Open Pantry

sign with dates and hours for 2021 drop-off food drive

Again this year, it’s easy to donate food and personal hygiene items for the Spartan Open Pantry.  The Presbyterian Church of the Covenant and the College Hill Neighborhood Association are co-sponsoring a drop-off food drive for the pantry on Saturday mornings in December. Volunteers will be accepting donations Saturday December 11 and December 18 from 10 a.m. to noon in the church parking lot on Mendenhall Street.

The pantry serves university students and staff in need of assistance. Especially needed right now are:

  • breakfast cereals;
  • chick peas;
  • cooking oil;
  • hygiene and toiletry items (small sizes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants for men and women; feminine hygiene products; and razors and shaving products for men and women);
  • snacks like chips, cookies and crackers;
  • and toilet paper and paper towels.

Financial donations are also welcome. Checks can be made out to the Spartan Open Pantry; online donations can be made here.

The pantry is operated by the Wesley-Luther Campus Ministry and the UNCG Division of Student Affairs. For more information, click here for the Spartan Open Pantry website.

Posted in College Hill Neighborhood Association, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Spartan Open Pantry, UNCG | Leave a comment

In memoriam: Carl Robbins, 85, longtime Carr Street neighbor

Longtime College Hill resident Carl Robbins died Friday, October 15. He was 85 years old. Carl came to College Hill in 1976, when he and Ralph Becker bought 918 Carr Street. Ralph died in 1995.

Carl Lyle Robbins was born in Clarks Hill, Indiana, in 1936. He served in the Army from 1958 to 1960. He had a long career with Norfolk Southern Railroad, where he worked as a controller.

The College Hill Neighborhood Association extends our condolences to his family and friends.

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Join Oden Brewing and Double Oaks on Tuesday October 26 to help build the Downtown Greenway’s Final Mile

Downtown Greenway Final Mile Campaign Event: Tues Oct 26 5:30-7 pm @ Double Oaks

Click above to register by Wednesday October 20

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For newcomers and those who’ve forgotten: All College Hill residents are eligible for credit-union membership

All College Hill residents are eligible for membership in the Greensboro Municipal Federal Credit Union. This eligibility is extended to members of all neighborhood associations that belong to the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress. All College Hill residents are members of the College Hill Neighborhood Association, which is a member of the GNC.

The credit union has offices at 217 N. Greene Street, 2200 Soabar Street and 2511 Phillips Avenue. Members also can use the offices of the Co-Op Shared Branching network, including 23 in the Greensboro area and 5,000 nationwide.

ATMs are at the Soabar and Philips offices, the Depot and the Greensboro Farmer’s Market. Members also can use more than 30 surcharge-free CashPoints ATMs in Greensboro and hundreds more across the state.  CashPoints locations in Greensboro include the State Employees Credit Union office at Tate and Market streets, the Elliott Center at UNCG and Municipal Plaza on South Greene Street downtown.

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You’re invited: After Gateway celebrates its first 20 years, Saturday afternoon, October 2, at the Church of the Covenant

After Gateway campaign logo

An invitation from our wonderful neighbor After Gateway, located at the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant:

Join us in celebrating our 20th year by donating $1 for every year After Gateway has served our participants from 2001 to 2021!  After Gateway is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults with severe developmental disabilities.

Join us Saturday, October 2nd from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. for our $20 for 20 Celebration!  Food trucks, music (Piedmont Blues Society!), games and fun!  501 S. Mendenhall Street.

Can’t make our celebration? Donate on our home page at!


Posted in After Gateway, Events, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant | Leave a comment

The Spartan Open Pantry needs your support to help students without family support or income avoid hunger

Fall semester has begun at UNCG, and, as always, there are students struggling without steady income or financial support from their families. The Spartan Open Pantry helps UNCG and Greensboro College students avoid — or overcome — hunger. The pantry provides non-perishable food to students at the two institutions  who are facing food insecurity (and to UNCG staff who are struggling as well). Please join the College Hill Neighborhood Association in supporting the SOP today.

The SOP now also provides business casual clothing, shoes and accessories, as well as bedding, towels and, when available, kitchenware.

The Spartan Open Pantry is a joint project of the Wesley-Luther Campus Ministry and the UNCG Dean of Students Office,

Click here to learn more or here to make a financial donation. Donations of food or clothing can be brought to the Smith Campus Ministries Center, adjacent to the Walker Avenue Parking Deck directly across Stirling Street from the Elliott University Center.

Posted in College Place UMC, Spartan Open Pantry, UNCG | Leave a comment

Join us for College Hill’s National Night Out: Tuesday, August 3, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Springdale Park

National Night Out, Tuesday Aug 3, 5 pm-8 pm, Springdale Park!

Poster by Rachel McCook

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