Our website is a resource for College Hill residents and anyone interested in our neighborhood and historic district. The blog on our home page or our welcome page are places to start.
Neighborhood Guide
Garbage and yard waste are collected every Friday. Click here for details.
Next CHNA & HPC Meetings
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Monday March 24
Monday April 28
Monday May 26
Monday June 23
Effective March 2025, meetings are held at Greensboro College in the President's Hall, Main Building, and as Zoom teleconferences: Click here to login. - Historic Preservation Commission
Wednesday March 26
Wednesday April 30
Wednesday May 28
Wednesday June 25
Meetings are held at 4 p.m. in the Plaza Level Conference Room, Melvin Municipal Building, 300 W. Washington Street.
- College Hill Neighborhood Association
Note to Realtors and Prospective Home Buyers
Isn't There Anything to Do Around Here?
The Weatherspoon is open. There's music on Tate Street, and we're close to downtown, the Coliseum and most of Greensboro's other arts and entertainment venues. Check the Calendar and Local Events pages for links to major events, major venues, university event calendars and Greensboro's busy local arts scene.
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Category Archives: UNCG College of Visual and Performing Arts
Season tickets on sale for the UNCG Concert & Lecture Series featuring the Indigo Girls, Winston Duke, Joshua Bell and more
Right here in our own neighborhood: Season subscriptions are now on sale for the 2022-2023 UNCG Concert and Lecture Series. Season subscription prices are 10 percent less than individually purchased tickets. Single-event tickets go on sale 90 days before each … Continue reading
From the mean streets of College Hill: News, warnings and coming soon to Tate Street: dumplings
Warning No. 1: Risk of bottoming out on Tate Street The alleyway running from the 100 block of Tate Street to McIver looks innocent enough, but when entering from Tate Street, watch out. This car bottomed out on the sidewalk … Continue reading
March 2017 Calendar of Events
Recurring on Tuesdays In*Spire Meditation group Tuesdays, noon, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, 501 South Mendenhall Street, in the Sanctuary. The meditation period is less than an hour and is open to the public. Noon at the ‘Spoon Second Tuesday each … Continue reading
WAM: New exhibition and talk by photographer Lucinda Devlin
The Weatherspoon Art Museum will open a new exhibition, “Lucinda Devlin: Sightlines,” Friday with a talk by artist and a reception. From the Weatherspoon: “Lucinda Devlin’s photographs serve as social commentaries on timely and socially relevant issues such as personal … Continue reading
October highlights: Voter registrations ends, early voting begins
Events in College Hill and nearby this month. Recurring on Tuesdays In*Spire Meditation group Tuesdays, noon, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, 501 South Mendenhall Street, in the Sanctuary. The meditation period is less than an hour and is open to the public. … Continue reading
College Hill’s priciest rental is still empty after four months, plus news of the mattress store, the T-shirts and more pot busts
College Hill’s one executive-type rental property has now been on the market for four months. 817 Rankin Place, the relatively new house built in 2005, is going for $2,000 per month with a $2,000 deposit. “Qualifications include credit score over … Continue reading
Posted in Businesses, College Hill Neighborhood Association, College Place UMC, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, Public Safety, Rankin Place, Real Estate, Spring Garden Street, Tate Street, UNCG, UNCG College of Visual and Performing Arts
Tagged Carolina Theatre, diving for dopers, UNCG Jazz Ensemble, UNCG Theatre
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Tate Street news: UNCG buys the former Addams bookstore
The former Addams bookstore on Tate Street has been bought by UNCG. The university plans for the College of Visual and Performing Arts to use it for theatre crafts, including the production of costumes and props for stage productions. Dr. … Continue reading
An especially lively month ahead for the arts in College Hill, including 17 Days art and music and the Tate Street Festival
Greensboro’s annual 17 Days arts festival begins on Friday September 9 with the opening of the 76th National Folk Festival. It continues through Sunday September 25. Five festival events are scheduled in College Hill: Collage 2016 Saturday September 10, 7:30 … Continue reading
Notes: The warehouse on Lilly Street has been sold to UNCG; plus news of HPC projects and UNCG’s Performing Arts series
The warehouse on Lilly Street that once housed noisy bad neighbor College Hill CrossFit has been bought by UNCG. The College of Performing Arts will use it to store sets, wardrobes and such for its productions. … The sale of … Continue reading
Posted in Businesses, Carr Street, College Hill Neighborhood Association, Greensboro Primitive Baptist Church, Historic Preservation, Lilly Street, Mendenhall Street, Municipal Service District, Real Estate, Tate Street, The Province, UNCG, UNCG College of Visual and Performing Arts, UNCG University Performing Arts Series, Walker Avenue, Weatherspoon Art Museum
Tagged John Stone
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