Condolences to the family of James ‘Dorn’ Yeattes

james yeattesJames “Dorn” Yeattes, 56, of Tate Street, died Thursday at his home. Dorn worked as a self-employed mechanic. He also was a gardener and sold produce at the weekly farmers’ market at Elam and Walker avenues. Survivors include his brother, Jeff Yeattes, and his wife, Karen, of Tate Street.

Funeral services will be held on Monday at 2 p.m. at Peace United Church of Christ. Burial will follow at Greenhill Cemetery in Greensboro. The family will receive friends from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the church.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that memorial contributions be made to Peace United Church of Christ, 2714 W. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27403, “or in memory of Dorn, take time to do a good deed for someone.” Click here for more information.


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Spartan Open Pantry seeking donations of food and/or money to help feed homeless and hungry students at UNCG

Volunteers at the Spartan Open Pantry

Each year many new and returning Spartans are coming from families who are experiencing challenging economic times. This is presenting unique challenges for many of our Spartans that are trying to do well in school, “fit in,” and figure out what their future will look like. … Without support systems in place, these students, many of whom prefer to remain hidden during hard times, are facing these challenges alone while struggling to provide for their own livelihood.

— the UNCG Dean of Students office

We rarely think of undergraduates as poor, hungry or homeless, but there are low-income students who struggle to get by. The Spartan Open Pantry at UNCG helps provide food for these students and some staff members, and it needs support from the community.

Donations can be brought to the Associated Campus Ministries building, adjacent to the Walker Avenue Parking Deck. Monetary contributions can be made with checks written to the Wesley-Luther Campus Ministry, ACM Center, UNC Greensboro, 500 Stirling Street, Greensboro NC, 27403.

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Neighborhood Watch: Recent reports of crimes nearby that we should be aware of

It may be a fluke, but there have been more serious police reports than usual in neighborhoods in our part of Greensboro recently. As followers of know, College Hill has had a few crimes reported this summer — including four reports of items being stolen from front porches — and it’s also worth being aware of what’s going on around us.

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New on Tate Street: Taste of Tate, Thursdays 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., with food deals and special offers every week

Flyer for Taste of Tate

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Reminder: Credit union membership open to all in College Hill

screenshot of credit union websiteAll College Hill residents are eligible for membership in the Greensboro Municipal Federal Credit Union. This eligibility is extended to members of all neighborhood associations that belong to the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress. All College Hill residents (home owners and renters) and property owners are members of the College Hill Neighborhood Association.

The credit union has offices at 217 North Greene Street, 2200 Soabar Street in south Greensboro and 2511 Phillips Avenue in east Greensboro. It has ATMs at the Depot on East Washington Street and the Soabar Street office. Members also can use surcharge-free CashPoints ATMs throughout North Carolina. There are more than 40 CashPoints locations in Greensboro, including the State Employees Credit Union office at Tate and Market streets.

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Weatherspoon offers free tours and treats on three Thursdays, featuring animals, nanoscience and the UNCG Icicle Tricycle

poster for summertime tours and treats

Click the poster for more information

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No, that wasn’t a ‘baby copperhead’ in your yard

Adult snake with nine baby snakes

An actual copperhead with its young. You’re not going to find these in your backyard.

By IAN McDOWELL, South Mendenhall Street

Newborn copperheads are 8-10 inches long and look much like mature copperheads except for their greenish or yellow tails, which they may use to attract lizards, and which lose that coloration after the first year. Other than that tail, their coloration is more grayish than that of their tan or coppery parents. Even at birth (females don’t lay eggs), juveniles have thicker bodies, larger heads and thinner necks than any other local snake that size. Their heads generally have the same distinctive triangular “adder” shape as adults.

A snake less than 8 inches long is almost certainly not a copperhead. Any snake less than 11 inches long without a greenish or yellow tip on its tail is unlikely to be a copperhead (copperheads lose that tail coloration after the first year).

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A big tree on Rankin Place gets a big send-off

Massive tree trunk on its side

Hand-lettered sign: Big Tree ParkingThere was a gigantic red oak tree that towered over Paul and Barbara Phillips’ house at 805 Rankin Place. The house was built in 1910, and the tree probably was there then. By last fall, it was clear that the tree’s health was failing, and it had to come down.

After weeks of work, it had been taken down this week, and the branches had been cleared away. Sam Bridges of Bridges Tree Service invited some folks over Friday to say goodbye.

Chainsaw artist Ericksen Krietemeyer carved a bear into one end of the trunk. Master furniture craftsman Joe Schoolcraft came over from Sunset Hills to saw through a seven-foot length of trunk for wood to turn into tables. A preschool class of five-year-olds from First Baptist Church arrived to see something big happening. Some their parents came, too, and neighbors from Rankin and Mendenhall and Carr, a videographer from Fox8 News and two officials from the city’s Historic Preservation staff.

Over the course of an hour and a half or so, some 30 people paid their respects to one of College Hill’s grandest trees. It was a more fitting end that most trees get, even great ones like this. Our neighborhood’s tree canopy is one of our great assets, one that requires care, respect and awareness to maintain. Events like Friday’s should become a tradition, one that will help keep us from taking our trees for granted.

kids looking into a big hole in the tree

Everyone wanted to see inside …

kids inside the tree trunk

… and get inside.

guy with a chainsaw at work

Chainsaw artist Ericksen Krietemeyer carves a bear into one end of the giant tree trunk.

man leaning into a chainsaw rig

Joe Schoolcraft begins sawing through a seven-foot section of the tree.

close-up of an elaborate chainsaw

Joe’s chainsaw rig after he started to cut through the trunk

little boy looking into a hole in the tree

Everyone got to see where the bees had been and the honey they left behind …

children getting little spoonfuls of honey

… and then get a taste of pure honey straight from the tree.


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UNCG to stage major-emergency drill Thursday February 1; exercise will include simulated gunfire, several street closings

logo: UNCG Active Emergency DrillDon’t be alarmed if you see a lot of police and ambulances on campus on Thursday February 1. The university says it will be conducting one of the largest emergency exercises ever in the UNC system. The drill will focus on the McIver Building, located just off Spring
Garden Street on Administration Drive between the Foust Building and the back of the UNCG Auditorium (formerly Aycock).

Simulated gunfire may be heard between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

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Garbage/recycling collection delayed until Monday, probably

The city has announced that Friday’s collection of garbage and recycling will be postponed until Monday because of the snow. No collections were made Wednesday, and none will be made today (Thursday).

City crews plan to work Friday and Saturday to start catching up, but if the roads are still impassable for garbage trucks tomorrow (Friday), they’ll have to delay our collection further. The city is posting updates on Nextdoor.

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